Club Information


Tennis Ball Recycling Progam

Excited to announce that, once again, the club has the ability to recycle your used tennis balls through Recycaball. Simply drop them in the recycle container in the clubhouse.

What state can the balls be in? Recycaball says:
So long as the balls are not very weathered or have damaged nap, or are very discoloured we can accept them!"

Recycaball can repressurize balls, and donate many reusable balls to charities. In addition to benefiting various charities including Save The Children, NSPCC, Barnardo’s and some under privileged schools/nurseries, they can also be donated for police/armed forces dogs and animal rescue centres.

As an additional bonus, the club receives a small payment for every ball accepted for recycling. A win-win for everyone!

If you would like to help by donating your old tennis balls, please place them in the bin provided in the clubhouse.

Visit for more information