The leadership teams of Reedham Park Sports Club consist of the Board and General Committee.
The Board makes the strategic decisions of the club.
Chair: Chris Anders chairman@reedhamparktennis.co.uk
The General Committee ensures the smooth running of day-to-day operations.
Chair: Ana Mae Contreras-Ramirez, anamaecontrerasramirez@gmail.com
See below for details of the General Committee and Board Members and other key team members.
The General Committee
Ana Mae Contreras-Ramirez - GC Chair
Millie Stedman - Treasurer
Debbie Cooper - Secretary
Karen Watchorn & Chris Anders - Membership Secretaries
Louise Garshong - Ladies Captain
Chris Cooksley - Men's Captain
Gail Reynoldson - Clubhouse Manager
Steve Cooksley - Grounds Manager
Monica S Reyes - Social Secretary
Vacant Position - Bar Manager
Vacant Position - Communications Officer
The Board
Millie Stedman Gill Cooksley Victor Tun Katie Cooper AneMae Contreras-Ramirez Chris Anders
Other Key Team Members
Rebecca Brook - Welfare Officer
Paul Gavin - Head Coach