Court Booking
Courts are currently available to book between 6:00 am and 10:00pm.
OUTDOOR COURTS: Registered members of the club can book outdoor courts free of charge. Non-members can pay online at the time of your booking. The cost is £6 per court per half hour.
INDOOR COURTS: Registered members of the club can book indoor courts at a reduced rate of £10 per court per hour. Non-members can pay online at the time of your booking. The cost is £20 per court per hour off peak.
GRAND SLAM MEMBERS: Please call or visit reception to book your free indoor court hours
GUEST FEES: For a non member playing with a member the guest fee will be £10 per person per session, payable at the Sports Centre Reception.
To book a court, simply click on any available time slot. You will be prompted to log-in in order to book. If you do not already have a ClubSpark or LTA account, you will be required to create one. Complete the booking requirements and when finished, you will be sent a booking confirmation via email, if requested. Please EITHER print the booking confirmation OR take an internet enabled device such as a mobile phone that can display the booking confirmation (this is your proof of court booking).
If after booking you find that you are no longer able to play, please cancel your booking so that others may use the courts. A refund will be given if cancelled 24 hours in advance.
Any problems please email