Club Timetable


- Monday Afternoon Session, 1-3pm. All players welcome - *FREE*

- Adult Beginner/Intermediate, 6-7pm. All players welcome - *LTC led session*

- Team Tennis, 7-8:30pm. All members with team ability welcome - *LTC led session*


- Ladies Social Hitting Session, 5-6pm. All players welcome - *FREE*

- Open Hitting Session, 6-7pm. All players welcome - *FREE*

- Ladies Beginners, 7-8pm - *LTC led session*


- Cardio Tennis, 9:30-10:30am. All players welcome - *LTC led session*

(Mid week matches from 6:30pm. All courts will be in use, starting from May - please see court bookings)


-Social Session, 11-1pm. All players welcome - *FREE*

- Adult Beginner/Intermediate, 6-7pm. All players welcome  - *LTC led session*


-Social Session, 11-1pm. All players welcome - *FREE*

- Cardio Tennis, 6-7pm. All players welcome - *LTC led session*


- Adult Beginner/Intermediate, 10-11am. All players welcome - *LTC led session*

- Club Afternoon, 2-4pm. All players welcome - *FREE*


- All sessions are £5 for members, £8 for non-members (unless otherwise stated).

- All other times are for general play and arranged matches.

- Junior timetable available to view on request.

- Courts MUST be booked in advance via the website. 

- Members may use the courts for free at any time, non-members are welcome to try out the courts for free at one of the weekly sessions. We recommend non-members get in touch before attending a session. Guest fees are £3 for adults and £2 for juniors (guests must attend with a member).

- The club runs individual and group coaching sessions for all ages and standards.

Please email for more information.