
Following revised guidance from the LTA and the Government, we are pleased to announce that tennis at River Park can take place as follows:


  • Singles, doubles and coached sessions are now permitted.
  • Players are not permitted to congregate on or around the courts before and after play.
  • The Club House will be open to coaches only.
  • Please abide by the general government advice on the spread of coronavirus which you can see by visiting website.   If you have a cough, cold or are feeling unwell in any way, please do not come to the tennis courts.
  • If someone who has played at River Park develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should be directed to follow the Government’s “test and trace” guidelines available from the website.


Please remember that all players need to take responsibility for their own safety as well the safety of their opponents, partners and coaches at all times by respecting the social distancing and the following guidelines.



  • The Club House is currently open for coaches only.
  • Hand hygiene is imperative - use alcohol gel to clean your hands after touching any shared surfaces.
  • Hand gel will be available at the courts.
  • Please note there are no toilet or water facilities available on site.


Court Bookings

  • Court bookings must be booked in advance using our online Clubspark system. You will need to sign in or register with Clubspark to do this.
  • All court bookings are for 55 minutes. To ensure everyone get fair chance to play, each player may only book three sessions per week.


On the Court

  • You may now play either singles or doubles.
  • You must only play with the people you have booked to play with – you must not interchange with other court bookings.
  • You should arrive and leave promptly.
  • Do not enter or leave the court at the same time as the previous/next players – please wait in the car or on the court if necessary.
  • Please bring your own tennis balls.
  • Your tennis balls should be clearly marked and only touched by you.
  • Balls from neighbouring court should be returned promptly – again without touching them
  • You must keep the required 2 metres apart at all times.
  • You must bring your own equipment and only take the minimum amount of stuff onto the court e.g. drink, towel, spare racket.   Do not share rackets, grips etc.



  • Spectators should not be present unless there is a specific requirement for them to be in attendance.
  • Where attendance of parent/guardian (non-participant) is required, or a carer for a disabled player, there should be off court and limited to one per player where possible, with social distancing strictly observed while watching sessions.



It is critical that we all comply with these restrictions as otherwise it will threaten our ability to remain open.