
Box Leagues



Sign up by JUNE 29th!


Join the RATC Box League competitions!  Ladies and Men's Singles and Mixed Doubles.


After a short Spring break we are restarting 3 Box League competitions in parallel:


  • Ladies' Singles
  • Men's Singles
  • Mixed Doubles


If you wish to join, please follow the instructions on the RATC website.  The leagues will run over a 2 month period from the 30th of June to the 31st of August.


As before, the league will be available and managed by the mobile app 'Scala Sports'. This will allow members to easily contact opponents and record results via their phones. The league is open to members of all levels and is a perfect way to meet others of a similar standard to play friendly competitive matches.

How do I join?

  • Download the free Scala Sports app (iOS or Android)
  • Set up your personal profile and link yourself to Romsey & Abbey Tennis Club
  • Go to Competitions
  • Search and join the competition
  • Once you have joined the competition, you'll automatically be sent details at the right time.


On the start date of the round, you will receive a notification/email and your opponents will be visible in the app. Let us know if you have any questions/concerns, for specific questions related to the Scala app please reach out to

Look forward to seeing you out on the court!


Romsey & Abbey Tennis Club