
Rosewell Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our Club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. Our policy strives to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns / disclosures.

All coaches, volunteers, members and guests using the club facilities are required to abide by Safe and Inclusive Code of Conduct. This is required in order to support the club in providing a welcoming and safe environment for all children and young people and the implementation of its child protection policy and procedures.

Those using the Club should at all times:

  • Priortise the well being of all children and vulnerable adults at all times
  • Respect the rights dignity and worth of every person within the context of our sport.
  • Display high standards of behaviour. Always work in an open environment. Act with integrity at all times.
  • Help create a safe and inclusive environment both on and off the court and promote the Fair Play values: enjoy and respect.
  • Place the well being and safety of children above the development of performance.
  • Value and celebrate diversity and make all reasonable efforts to meet individual needs
  • Relevant consent from parents/carers, children and adults is required before taking or using photos and videos


Concern Reporting Procedure

If you should experience or witness any welfare or safeguarding incidents or have concerns around this topic please get in touch as soon as possible. Our Welfare Officer is Cara Borthwick. Please click on the Welfare Poster for contact details.  Enquiries will be confidential.   If the Welfare Officer is unavailable, you can contact another Committee member or, the LSA Safeguarding Team (020 8487 7000).  If someone is in immediate danger, call the Police (999)

As an affiliated Club, we have adopted and promoted the LTA’s policies and practices.  Please click on the relevant statement or policies for more information.

Safeguarding Policy

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Sun cream Policy

Report a Concern Form

Welfare Officer Poster link

The Code of Conduct poster