


For Children safeguarding is about:- 

► Protecting children from abuse and neglect

► Preventing the impairment of children's health or development

► Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

► Taking action to enable all children to have the best life chances.


For adults at risk it is about:- 

► Enabling adults at risk to achieve the outcomes that matter to them in their life

► Protecting their right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect

► Empowering and supporting them to make choices, stay safe and raise any concerns. 

The fundamental approach to safeguarding:-

► Begins with the assumption that an individual is best-placed to make decisions about their own wellbeing.

and then

► Taking proportional action on their behalf only if:-
        ● someone lacks the capacity to make a decision
       ● they are exposed to a life-threatening risk
       ● someone else may be at risk of harm
       ● a criminal offence has been committed or is likely to be committed.

If you see or hear anything that makes you concerned about someone's welfare, please contact the below urgently.


Lancashire County Council Health & Social Care

Phone: 0300 123 6720 or out of hours on 0300 123 6722


You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.

In an emergency, please call 999.

Please also let the LTA know of any concerns by using our secure form which can be found at



We have adopted the LTA Filming and Photography Policy for LTA Competitions held at our venue.  

A copy of the  policy can be found here