Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why has the Council intrdouced online booking at Rouken Glen Park?
We know that sometimes if the courts are busy it can be frustrating waiting for the court to become available. By introducing an online booking system you can book your court in advance, knowing it'll be available for you to play. We hope this will encourage more people to play tennis at Rouken Glen Park.
Do I have to pay to play at Rouken Glen Park?
No, the courts are free to book.
How far in advanve can I book a court?
Courts can be booked up to 7 days in advance.
How do I report vandalism or damage on the tennis courts?
Please email us at
Are these courts available for commercial bookings?
No these courts are for residential use only
How long can I book a court for?
Booking slots are for 1 hour at a time
How do I register to book a slot?
To book a slot, you need to register with ClubSpark (via the LTA). This is free of charge and you can do this by clicking the link at the top right of this page or visiting