Answers to some common questions...

Can I use the floodlights?
Yes, these are free for club sessions, coaching and matches. At other times, you need a code to gain access to the floodlights, Instructions on using the code and the floodlights are available via the Booking page.
Can I have my own key to the courts?
Yes. Keys are available to adult members only and are subject to a £5 deposit. For security reasons, the locks are changed yearly during May, please look out for instructions on swapping your key for the new one.
Please be aware that the key holder takes on the responsibility for making sure that the courts are locked if they are the last to leave the courts.
Can children play on the courts?
Yes but only in accordance with the Juniors on Court Policy (click for more details).
Children younger than 13 must not be left on court without supervision under any circumstances.
I don’t want to be a member but I want to ‘hit’ with my mini / junior, is this allowed?
There is a special category of social membership with a greatly reduced fee to accommodate parents ‘hitting’ with children younger than 13.
(Note, this does not allow social members to play at any other times)
Can I bring a visitor?
Yes but this is intended for occasional guests (maximum 2 times a year per Guest). No fee is required.
Do I have to wear trainers to play on the courts?
Yes. This is to avoid damage to the court surface. Please note that muddy soles need to be thoroughly wiped on the mats at the entrance to the courts before playing.
What happens if there are any problems on court?
Please let the Committe know via the facilities email or by finding one of us on court.