Welcome to Ruthin LTC- Croeso i

Senior Fun Doubles Tournament Oct19th

LTA are organising a  Fun doubles tournament for Seniors

>35 >45>65 Mens, Womens and Mixed Doubles

See https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/ruthinltc/Events/Competitions


Welcome to Ruthin LTC!

Ruthin Tennis club is an inclusive friendly atmosphere of like minded people all wanting to learn and play tennis.  It doesn't matter if you have never played before or consider yourself a seasoned veteran there is plenty on at the club for you to enjoy!  Have a look at what goes on during the week!  There is always a friendly face to welcome you!


Croeso i Glwb Tenis Lawnt Rhuthun {CTL}

Mae Clwb Tenis Rhuthun yn yn glwb cynhwysol gydag awyrgylch gyfeillgar ac yn llawn pobl o`r un anian sy`n awyddus i ddysgu a chwarae tenis. Does dim ots os i chi heb chwarae o`r blaen neu eich bod yn hen lawr gyda`r gem, mae na ddigon yn mynd mlaen yn y clwb i chi fwynhau.

Edrychwch ar yr hyn sy`n mynd mlaen yn ystod yr wythnos

Mae na wyneb cyfeillgar i`ch croesawu bob tro.



Sorry- Access Swipe cards increased to £10 due to increased cost. 

Pay and Play.

Courts 5 & 6 are available to non-members on a pay and play basis. Please see Booking page of the website. (Please be aware that the floodlights are operated by token, which must currently be purchased separately from a committee member). 

Talu a Chwarae.

Mae cyrtiau 5 a 6 ar gael i`r rhai   sy ddim yn aelodau. Edrychwch ar dudalen Bwcio y wefan. Sylwch fod y llifoleuadau'n cael eu paratoi trwy docyn, y mae'n rhaid eu prynu ar wahân i aelod o'r pwyllgor ar hyn o bryd.


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Interested in Joining?

If you are interested in playing tennis in a relaxed and fun environment then why don't you become a member and enjoy all of it's amazing benefits!

30% reduction from new member discount for Open Day only


How to find us

Ruthin LTC
Lon Fawr, Llanfwrog
Wales North
LL15 1LE

Get directions