
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Latest update

Larger organized groups can now take place - such as larger coaching sessions . You will be required to have your name and contact details taken so that should any member of that group be taken with Covid 19 everyone can be traced.  This will also apply to larger informal groups such as the Monday evening session , the Wednesday evening session ( when this re-starts)  and the social sessions on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. These details will be held for 21 days and then destroyed. For pairs and doubles one of you needs to take note of who played and when .

All previous guidance relating to social distancing and hygiene remains firmly in place , including the need to bring your own hand sanitizer and  cleanse all surfaces touched when using the lavatory.

IN ADDITION the following needs to be adhered to :

1) Everyone planning to attend the courts should do a 'pre-attendance check' - if you have any one of the following - high temperature , new continuous cough or loss/change to sense of taste and or smell then DO NOT ATTEND.

2) Anyone who developes symptoms after attending the courts MUST contact, and comply in full with , the governments 'Test and trace' programme . Just google 'NHS Test and Trace'.


Senior members over the age of 70 must take particular attention to hygiene and social distancing.

The club house can now be used BUT social distancing must be adhered to AND all surfaces touched must be cleaned after by the person(s) using the clubhouse.