
Courts re-open to members from 13th May


  1. Play is for members only and ONLY when booked in advance through the clubspark booking system.
  2. SINGLES play only , although players may be from different households this does NOT mean a different playing partner each day.
  3. The only exception to the above is when 4 people from the same household play together in doubles.
  4. Coaching sessions are one to one ONLY
  5.  Maintain social distance – remain at least 2 meters apart , no touching, handshakes, high 5’s etc.
  6. Bring your own balls and clearly mark them, avoid picking them up with your hands ( use racquets and feet ) . Avoid chasing balls on to adjoining courts if those courts are being used.
  7. Use steps at rear of courts to access courts , do not cross other courts(if in use)  to access your court .


  1. Wash your hands before you leave home and again on returning home. Bring your own hand sanitizer.
  2. Court bookings are for 1 hour 30 minutes, this is sufficient for a decent warm up and play time. PLEASE leave your court a few minutes before your time is up to ensure that there is no close proximity of players at change over.
  3. No socializing, no congregating after play, leave the grounds promptly.
  4. Bring your own water and snacks, do not share. Do not leave any belongings behind.
  5. Avoid touching your face , if you need to sneeze or cough do so into a tissue or failing that into the upper part of a sleeve.
  6. Please note that the clubhouse remains closed.