New court surfaces
Sun, 19 Nov 2023 00:00

We are pleased to announce that our new clay courts are complete and in play.
The clay will take a little time to bed in and this process will be greatly helped by regular sweeping.
Please could the new Synthetic clay courts be raked/swept/smoothed at end of each set and left ready for play prior to exiting the court.
To obtain the best results, you will need to select the most affective implement for the job, with the rake for example better suited to drier conditions, as it moves more easily through this medium, without collecting too much clay, whilst the drag net copes better with the wet, as it glides over the clay, whilst smoothing the surface.
Going round the court in decreasing circles best distributes the clay, and arguably achieves the best results. Going round the court in decreasing circles working outside in, is the best way to bring the clay back onto the playing area. There is a diagram showing the suggested sweeping pattern on the club notice board.
Currently you will find a set of brushes just outside the court entrance gates, for the purpose of brushing the clay off your shoes. We do need to purchase receptacles to collect the clay as it is removed from your shoes, for recycling back onto the courts.
Clearly it will benefit all if transferring clay on your shoes either into the clubhouse or onto the acrylic courts can be avoided.
These simple steps will help us to ensure a first class playing surface and provide you with an enjoyable experience.
For more general information from the court contractor ETC visit their website
We have puchased drag mats and brushes etc for the future maintenance of the new courts from:
For more information see