If you have any queries about any aspect of playing tennis at Seaton, we'd love to hear from you. Email seatontennis@gmail.com or get in touch with one of the committee members below and we'll arrange for someone to meet you and welcome you to the club.
Jenny Moroz | Chairman | seatontennis@gmail.com | 07790 490084 | |
David Wraith | Membership Secretary | seatontennis@gmail.com | 0794 138 2025 | |
Geoff Westall | Club Secretary | seatontennis@gmail.com | 07770 8153385 | |
Joe Waters | Head Coach | joewaters07@outlook.com 0749 761 8240 | |
Simon Prior | Safeguarding Officer | simonpprior@gmail.com | 07940 505690 Visit our Safeguarding page for more information on Safeguarding | |
Where to find us
The Seaton Tennis Club car park is accessed from Colyford Road rather than Court Lane. Use the main Cricket & Tennis Club entrance off Colyford Road between Court Lane and Valley View: the car park is at the end of the drive.
Seaton Tennis Club
Seaton Cricket & Lawn Tennis Club, Court Lane Seaton Devon EX12 2AR