
Sorry , We are closed again!

Dear parents and players,

Sadly and once again. Dulwich Lawn Tennis Club has to close its doors due to the Covid pandemic.

This is going to be the case for the next 6 weeks from last Monday but might also last beyond February.

Obviously this is extremely frustrating for everyone . The good news is that we will be there, ready to receive all your children as soon as safely able to do so.

The ever-changing measures mean it is impossible to have a return date in mind and there is a faint possibility that the whole term may be cancelled.

However, rest assured that your commitment to tennis at Dulwich LTC has always been highly valued and appreciated.

Therefore, should the term not run at all, every subscription will be automatically rolled over to the Summer term.

In the event of junior groups being allowed after the February half term, we will offer a half price discount to all those rejoining for the Summer term.

Of course, I am available to help every parent who might want to discuss their options further.


We will be monitoring the situation closely and will keep you informed on a regular basis.


In the meantime, stay well and safe please.


kind regards,

Sebastien Blanchon