Social Tennis

Members are welcome to join in club social sessions held on:

  • Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9.30 am to 12 noon
  • Saturday afternoons from 3pm to 5pm
  • Friday evenings from 7.00pm



Shepley Tennis Club WhatsApp Group for Social Tennis

There is an STC WhatsApp group for discussing regular and ad-hoc social tennis.

If you wish to join the group please email

Shepley Tennis Club WhatsApp Rules and Guidelines

1. No Spam.

Spam is defined as unsolicited posts un-related to the official use of the group which is a ride organisation tool. Do not spam the group with off topic general chat.

2. Do not post offensive posts, links or images.

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is NOT permitted on this group. This includes user pictures. Use common sense when posting.

3. Remain respectful of other members at all times.

All posts should stay on topic of the main use of the group, which is to organise social tennis.

4. Group use:

In the interest of maintaining a cohesive and useful group, the primary purpose of the group is to allow STC club members to organise and be informed of regular and ad-hoc socail tennis. Other conversations are acceptable if they relate to club matters/info or are at least related to tennis.  It would also be helpful to members if the details of any regular social tennis could be posted on the club Facebook page so they don’t get overlooked if group activity is high.

5. Admin

Admins hold the right to remove members who violate the rules without notice.

Admins will also remove non STC members from the group without notice.

You do have the right to appeal any admin decision at the next committee meeting from the date of your removal.

All members are required to have their full name set in their profile.