
Car parking

We have received a message from the Parish Council:


The Parish Council has received reports concerning some users of the Recreation Ground parking inconsiderately in Honeysuckle Gardens, including instances where residents’ driveways have been blocked.


We would request that anyone using the Recreation Ground does not park in any way that adversely impacts local residents – we would be grateful if you would draw this to the attention of Tennis Court users as necessary.


I have agreed the following with the PC for use of the car park which is locked with a coded padlock:

the tennis committee will give members the code upon request, on the understanding that a) they use the car park only, and don't drive over the field, b) they shut and lock the gate behind them on arrival and when leaving the car park, c) they don't divulge the code to any others. 

Please email myself or Sharon for the code if you wish to use the car park when playing tennis.