Junior Coaching

At Shiplake we are lucky to have a thriving junior community, with a large percentage of our membership falling into the junior category.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our junior coaching programme, accommodating in the region of 90 juniors during term times on Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings. The standard of play shown by our juniors is evidence of the dedication and quality of our club coaches.

Coaching at Shiplake starts from 5yrs and we regularly see children staying through adolescence and well into their teens.We strongly believe in encouraging sportsmanship and fun competition. 

The club organises junior events throughout the year both within the club and externally encouraging inter club play. Recently, Shiplake teamed up with Kate Borthwick of Tennis Angels to create the Tennis Angels Little League encompassing local clubs in the area for friendly competition throughout the summer.

We also hold an annual Junior Championship for singles and doubles as well as various ladders spanning the differing age categories.

Our juniors are also heavily involved in the pro exhibition matches we arrange and a large contributing factor to us holding such events. They are specifically trained as ball boys/girls and get to see the action from this privileged vantage point – it adds a whole new dimension to their view of tennis.

Got questions about coaching ?  See our FAQ Below


Meet our Head Coach - Tim Rose

Tim Rose - STSC Coach

Born in July 1970 Tim started playing tennis at the age of 7, coached by his father Wallace he played competitive junior tennis until the age of 14 when he decided to quit and concentrate on skiing. When his skiing career came to an unexpected end in 1989 Tim went back to playing, coached this time by Grand Slam Finalist (singles) and winner (doubles) Onny Parun. Tim continues to play completive tennis today; having played for the Royal County of Berkshire Health and Racquets Club he now plays in the men’s 1st team at  Shiplake LTC.

Tim became a professional coach in 1997 and achieved his LTA  level 3 coaching qualification in September of that year. Tim was mentored by well respected coach Nick Lee who still remains a close friend today. In February 2012 Tim resigned his position as a resident pro at the Royal Berkshire Club, a position he had held since 2001. Tim has been the Head coach at  Shiplake TC for the past 25 years and has a large client base in and around the Henley area. Tim is a registered  LTA coach and holds a first aid qualification.

CALL TIM ON: 07713 627630 OR 01344 412595.


Junior Coaching FAQ

What are junior coaching arrangements at the club?

There is an active programme with 4 classes for beginners and primary school age children on Saturdays from 9am, for early secondary school ages on Thursday evenings and older secondary/advanced players on Tuesday evenings. Contact the junior secretary or head coach, Tim Rose for more information.

How much does junior coaching cost?

£70 per term for 10 lessons. The coaches do their best to make up those lost due to bad weather.

Is the welfare of the juniors looked after?

The welfare of the children is most important. All coaches are fully trained and have appropriate D&B checks. First aid equipment is available. Please contact us for more information.

Are there other activities for juniors?

The coaches run holiday tennis camps and other day and evening activities as advertised separately at the club. Contact the club pros for more information.

Can juniors use the club kitchen?

Yes within reason, as per all members. Squash and beverages are usually available.

When can juniors play in adult sessions and inter-club matches?

Generally when aged 16 and above and after assessment by the head coach.

Is there a minimum standard of play for coaching?

Certainly not! We want more children to learn to play tennis.

Is individual coaching available?

Yes. Contact the head coach, Tim Rose.

Is there a juniors tournament at the club?

Yes, each summer. Entries by age and standard. Contact us for more information.

Can juniors bring friends to play with?

Yes of course, within reason. A nominal £1 visitors fee is levied.

When can juniors use the courts?

Outside formal club sessions and matches junior members have access rights to court bookings following the same rules as all members.

What can I do as a parent if I want to help or run an activity?

Great! Contact the junior secretary or any committee member.