Frequent Asked Questions

To help you understand our policies please read below.


  • Where do we coach?
    We coach at St. Serfs Lawn Tennis Club, Barnton Park Lawn Tennis Club. We also coach at Fettes College and George Heriot's school.
  • Do we offer prviate lesssons?  
    Yes. We offer private lessons at our venues. Please contact us via email at smashitscotland@gmail.com and we will find the best coach for you.
  • How do I book an adult/junior coaching course?
    Our courses are very popular, we're proud to offer a busy programme at our venues. All course bookings must be made online via our website.
  • Can I join an ongoing course?
    Yes. However only if places are available online. The price proratas automatically so feel free to book in online if and when spaces on ongoing courses are available. 
  • Do I have to book for the entire block?
    Yes. For our Junior & Adult coaching sessions you a required to sign-up for the full duration of the block. You can sign-up to our Holiday camps for single days or the full week.
  • What happens if I'm away?
    We don't offer any make-up sessions for junior or adult courses, camps, or sessions. We try and price accordingly to factor in the fact that you may have to skip a class. 
  • Can someone else attend in my place if I'm away?
    Sadly not. This is problematic without player details or coach knowledge of the replacement's playing level. It doesn't work for our team so is not permitted. 
  • Can I borrow a racket?
    Yes. We have rackets on site for both children and adult players to borrow if needed. 
  • Does my session go ahead in the rain?
    Yes! We will always try and play on. If weather makes it impossible to play, we will contact the players via email. Please don't email us asking if your session is on, if you haven't heard from us, the answer is yes.
  • What happens if there are not enough players booked in for the block/camp?
    In the event of insufficient numbers, we will contact you in advance via email and offer a credit to your Clubspark account. The credit can be redeemed in future courses with us.