Selection Criteria




The South of Scotland Tennis County Selection Committee, comprising of Ilona Stubley (Ayrshire), Michael Goldie (D&G), Michael Palmer(Borders) are responsible for making selections based on the following criteria:




Players of the above age groups will be selected for training sessions when organised, based on the following:

  • Top 6 players based on ranking or recent form at time of selection will automatically be invited to train,

If an additional number can be accommodated at a venue, then

  • Continue to select through the ranking or recent form at the time of selection,
  • Additional players can be selected based on performance and application in previous county training sessions or County Cup matches, 
  • Player’s results at National/Regional tournaments,
  • Player’s commitments to playing tournaments regular with encouraging results.


18U*, 14U, 12U, 11U, 10U & 9U COUNTY CUP SELECTION


Players of the above age groups will be selected for County Cup based on the following:

  • Top 4 players based on ranking or recent form at time of selection will automatically be invited first, (They have earned the right)
  • For the 18U teams we will select the top 5 players from 2006 to 2009 first, with the 6th based on current ranking points then below.
  • If any of the top 5 are unavailable or a 7/8th player is required then,  
  • The team of 6 - 8 can be made up from a wildcard selection based on the combination of the following factors:
  • Assess if the 5th and/or 6th players in the rankings/recent form table are closes enough to be considered,
  • A player out with the ranking top 5 positions, who’s performance and application in previous county cups was encouraging,
  • A player with good performances and/or results at National/Regional tournaments,
  • A player’s commitments to playing tournaments with good results.


Players eligible in more than 1 age group, must prioritise their own age group first or that could affect future selection! The Team comes first.

Players will only be allowed to play for 2 age groups per year with one being their own. The only except to this is where numbers are short.


We would also say;

  • We expect the highest standards of behaviour both on and off the court. Player’s behaviour not only at training sessions or previous County Cups but, at all tournaments and events during 2022-2023 will be taken into consideration when making selections for county cup,
  • Player’s effort, work ethics, commitment and dedication will be an important consideration,
  • An ability to be a supportive and cooperative team player and a positive ambassador to South of Scotland County Tennis Team will be essential.