How to find us
Southminster Tennis Club
King George V Playing Fields
Station Road
Southminster Tennis Club is a well-supported, friendly club with an active social tennis side, club tournaments and participation in local league tennis.
We have three floodlight hard courts and a clubhouse equipped with kitchen facilities and WCs.
Our men's, ladies' and mixed teams play in the Chelmsford Tennis League and a men's and a ladies' team is entered into the Stock Winter Floodlight Tennis League.
All members are welcome at club social sessions - just turn up, mix in and play:
Tuesdays: 6pm - 9pm
Wednesdays: 9.30am - noon
Fridays: 6pm - 9pm
Sundays: 10am - 1pm
New members of all standards are always welcome. Please see membership section for further details or contact our membership secretary Caroline Timms (email: or call: 07848 962028)
Southminster Tennis Club
King George V Playing Fields
Station Road