Membership Options

We offer a variety of membership options with Annual Membership starting on April 1st of each year

If you have any questions or to arrange a trial session please contact our membership secretary Caroline Timms (email: or call: 07848 962028)

Please note in addition to below membership fees there is a one time charge of £10 for anyone requiring keys to the courts/clubhouse.

Lifetime membership options are available for members aged 40-49 and 50+. Please speak to the membership secretary Caroline Timms if you are interested and would like further details.

The committee reserve the right to cancel membership of any member for conduct unbefitting the principles of the Club


Preferred payment method is via BACS transfer to:

Southminster Tennis Club

Sort Code 20-54-30

Account Number 40829439

Alternatively cheques made out to Southminster Tennis Club can be sent to Miss Timms, 32 Sea View Promenade, St Lawrence, Essex, CM0 7NE.


Adult Member

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Full adult membership with no restrictions

Eligibility: Over 18s

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Associate Member

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Associate members are able to use the courts off peak (Mon - Fri before 17:30) and are not eligible to enter club tournaments or represent the club in league matches

Eligibility: Adults over 18 on 1st April

Join now

Country Member

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Full membership for those not living in the local area

Eligibility: Adult over 18 with primary residence more than 15 miles from the Club

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01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Family Membership for 2 Adults and any number of children eligible for junior membership

Eligibility: 2 Adults over 18 and any number of children under 18 eligible for junior membership

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Joint Adult Membership

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Joint Adult Membership

Eligibility: Two over 18s living in the same household

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01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Junior Membership

Eligibility: Must be aged under 18 on 1st April

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Senior Membership

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Full membership for over 60s only

Eligibility: Must be over 60 on 1st April

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Single Adult Family

01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Family Membership for single adult and any number of children eligible for junior membership

Eligibility: One adult over 18 and any number of children under 18

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01/04/2024 - 01/04/2025

Full Student Membership

Eligibility: Over 18s in full time unpaid education on 1st April

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Winter Member

01/10/2024 - 31/03/2025

Winter Membership valid from 1st Oct to 31st March

Eligibility: Adults over 18

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