Volunteer roles

The Southwell Lawn Tennis Club Committee is run by volunteers without which it would be difficult to continue to run the club. All of the positions are unpaid.

There are a number of roles and if you are interested in any, please contact our club secretary to express an interest.


  1. Oversee the administration of the Club in all matters including membership, financial, coaching, child protection, property, internal and external competitions
  2. Chair the management committee in an impartial manner in the best interests of the Club
  3. Promote the objects of the Club as defined from time to time in the constitution
  4. Chair the AGM and any EGM in accordance with the procedures set out in the constitution
  5. Delegate any or part of these responsibilities to other volunteer members or the coaching team as necessary in the best interests of the Club 

The Club Secretary

  1. Be the main contact for the Club in terms of communication from outside organisations, including LTA, competition organisers and commercial bodies
  2. Keep the administrative records of the Club in good order
  3. Take and keep notes of Club committee meetings, the AGM and any EGM and to present these as minutes for approval at each subsequent meeting
  4. Notify the relevant members of the time,date and place of any meetings of committee, AGM or EGM and to prepare an agenda for such meetings in accordance with the other members of the committee and any specific issues raised by team captains or other full members
  5. Attend the committee meetings and to contribute to the running of the Club and to promote the objects of the Club as defined in the constitution

The Treasurer

  1. Keep accurate records of all financial matters relating to the Club
  2. Prepare annual accounts of the Club’s income, expenditure, liabilities and funds and to present these at the AGM or any EGM
  3. Arrange payment of and receipt of any monies into or out of the Club’s accounts in a fair and responsible manner in accordance with the procedures set out in the constitution
  4. Raise invoices for any regular payments due to the Club
  5. Monitor the Club’s regular outgoings on services such as electricity and to arrange payments of any charges for these items
  6. Attend the committee meetings, to contribute to the running of the Club and to promote the objects of the Club as defined in the constitution
  7. Advise the committee on any actions or proposals which would improve or safeguard the financial interests of the Club

Membership Secretary

  1. Be the main contact for the Club in dealing with membership applications and renewals
  2. Keep accurate records of membership numbers and details of addresses, in accordance with the procedures of the Club and any relevant legislation
  3. Pass any income derived from membership subscriptions to the Club accounts in accordance with the Treasurer’s requirements
  4. Advise the committee on any actions or proposals which would improve the membership-related finance or profile or which would safeguard the Club’s interests with regard to attracting or retaining membership
  5. Attend the committee meetings and to contribute to the running of the Club, and to promote the objects of the Club as defined in the constitution

Welfare Officer

  1. Act as the first point of contact for all children and adults where concerns about welfare, discrimination, poor practice or abuse are identified
  2. Work with others in the club to promote our club’s code of conduct.
  3. Ensure safeguarding, and diversity and inclusion policies, reporting procedures and details of the Welfare Officer are visible and available.
  4. Attend courses relevant to safeguarding and protection in tennis.
  5. Review from time to time all safeguarding and protection policies.
  6. Work with the LTA safeguarding team as necessary.
  7. Contact the Local Authority social care teams and the police about concerns where appropriate.
  8. Attend the committee meetings and to contribute to the running of the Club and to promote the objects of the Club as defined in the constitution

Website Manager

  1. Maintain and amend the Club website for the benefit of existing and potential members, including revision of club fixtures, court availability and news sections, as advised by committee members, team captains or coaching team
  2. Review the layout and format of the website from time to time and to implement any revisions in accordance with the procedures of the Club
  3. Advise the committee on any website-related matters which would improve or safeguard the Club’s interests or which would promote the objects of the Club as defined in the constitution

Team Captains

  1. Confirm the time, date and place of the fixture with the opposing team captain in good time before the fixture, and to agree a “cut-off” time in the event of bad weather on the day to avoid wasted travel
  2. Select players for the fixture in good time before the fixture and to notify them of the time, date and place of the match and of any meeting point for shared travel arrangements in the case of away matches
  3. Appoint a deputy captain in the event of the captain being unable to play any particular fixture and to provide that deputy with all items, contact numbers and scorecard to enable the deputy to captain the team in the regular captain’s absence
  4. In the case of home matches, to make sure that the selected players make an appropriate contribution to the provision of refreshments for the players during and after the match
  5. Arrange suitable pairings and rankings of those pairs on a match by match basis
  6. In the case of home matches, to be responsible for taking match balls from the ball cupboard and recycling them for club use after the match
  7. Be responsible in consultation with the opposing team captain for deciding if a shorter deuce will be used (the principle being that both captains have to want to use shorter deuces)
  8. There are no longer match fees to collect as the match balls are then used in the organised club social sessions Put the used match balls in the cupboard in the ladies changing room.
  9. Be responsible in consultation with the opposing team captain for deciding what to do in the event of bad weather at any stage during the match - the principle here being that the league rules will be followed
  10. Be responsible for completing and agreeing the match scorecard with the opposing captain and then signing and posting it to the league secretary
  11. In the case of home matches, to be responsible for making sure that the pavilion is left in a tidy condition after completion of the match
  12. Report to the committee and to members at the AGM on the progress/results of the relevant team
  13. Be aware of members wishing to play in team matches and to assess their suitability and ability
  14. Be present, when possible, at club Open Days and to promote the club to prospective new members
  15. Arrange and attend practice sessions for team players or prospective players
  16. Liaise with club coaches and assist with the development of junior players by involving them with club evenings and matches when appropriate and actively to encourage their participation and improvement


  1. The coaching role at Southwell Lawn Tennis Club is provided by On The Ball in a manner set out specifically in an Agreement dated 18th May 2010 between the Club and On The Ball.
  2. This Agreement is terminable in accordance with notice provisions contained in the Agreement.
  3. The Club will review the arrangements from time to time to ensure that the Agreement continues to meet the objects and procedures of the Club as defined in the constitution