
The club has a busy social calendar with numerous social events held throughout the year. Some involving competitive tennis and some simply being our a dinner dance , quiz nights , ladies night or Macmillan coffee morning. These events help to raise vital funds for the clubs facility development and growth or for worthy charities.
Please see below about our social playing times as well as our social events.
Clubnights are mix in and play sessions open to all Full Adult members or Juniors given playing rights by the Head Coach. All play is doubles only.
The bar is always open and evenings are always well attended.
These are held:
Mondays and Wednesdays starting at 7pm ( April to September )
Wednesday Evenings starting at 7pm (September to March)
Monday Mornings 10am-12pm all year round
Simply turn up at any time and join in . Floodlights are free.
Autumn & Spring League
Autumn league runs from October to December , Spring League from January to March and run on a Thursday evening from 7pm. These are organised competitive games to keep you playing in the colder months. You are put into teams of three players rated A,B & C.
A - being the stronger players , down to B & C. Teams are decided by the organisor with input from the Head Coach if required. Matches are all 10 games in length in doubles. So- AB v AB , AC v AC , BC v BC. Teams then collate scores over the weeks with top 2 from each day playing off in semi finals and finals.
An entry fee is payable.
Club Tournaments
The club runs its annual tournament through August and September with a finals day the last weekend in September. Always a great day. We run a full schedule of events which all full members can enter as well as juniors with playing rights.
The club also runs its annual KIMs Cup Handicap tournament usually in April. This is handicap tournament where players are given handicaps based on their playing standard. These are decided by the tournament committee but makes it interesting and levels the playing field against the stronger players!
Social Events
The club has several social events , playing and non playing throughout the year. Any profit made from these events is put back into the club to improve its facilities.