Ayrshire Leagues starting April 15th

We are aware that not everyone is on the regular Club WhatsApp groups that operate within the Club so this is a call for any new,  recent members, returners who would like to participate in Tennis Ayrshire's Doubles Leagues.

Every year from Mid April to Mid June the Club competes in the Adult Doubles Ladies and Gents Leagues.

The Ladies 1st and 2nd Teams play on a Wed night (One team home and the other away). 

The Gents 1st and 2nd Teams play on a Thurs night (One team home and the other away). 

Both the Ladies and Gents 3rd Teams play on a date that is mutually convenient with the opposing Team. These are most likely to be weekends.

The Club has entered six doubles teams to the Leagues. Each team consists of six players.

Intermediate Juniors who play on a full court with a yellow ball qualify for the leagues also.

You must be a member of the Club to play in the leagues.

Arrival for mid week matches is typically at 6.30pm so if playing an away match travelling needs to be factored into this. All away Clubs are within a 40 min drive of Stewarton with most been a lot less.

If you are interested then please email:
