Doubles Tournament 2023 / 10.Sept.2023

Stonesfield Doubles Tournament 2023 - 10.Sept.2023

This year we will be running the same type of tournament as we ran last year. To refresh our memory :
- It will be run in 3 rounds + a finals match.
- Every round you will be playing with a different player. 
- Every match will be consisting of an 8-game set (every player will serve twice in the match) and there will be a game point at deuce. 
- Every player will be appointed a point after winning a game (max. 8 points per match).
- At the end of the match, scores will be reported at the desk and everyone's points will be counted.
- 4 players with the top points will play in the deciding match where pairs will be set by 1/4 player and 2/3 player by points.
- The Finals match will be a Fast4 match (by LTA rules).

Tournament os for Stonesfield tennis club members only!