Adult and Family Memberships for 2025-2026 are now open!
Junior membership categories will be updated in the nxt week or two
We always welcome tennis players of all standards and all ages. You can also join as a social member to enjoy our great bar and balcony view of all courts. Membership options are listed below along with links to join.
If you have any questions contact Brendan Churchill and Colin Lougher (email
As always, if members are finding it particularly difficult to afford their fees this year, please do get in touch with Brendan or Colin, Mike (treasurer), or any of the committee.
Playing members
- Use our 3 artificial grass and 3 hard courts for free (floodlight cost £2 per half hour using tokens from the bar)
- Play in the club’s teams
- Join in group pay-and-play coaching and cardio tennis
- Use our friendly bar, open from 5.30pm Mon-Sat, 12-3pm Sun. Typically, we have a guest ale, Madri, Pravha, Guinness, Stowford Press cider, and 1664 0.0% on tap
Social members
- Use our friendly bar, open from 5.30pm Mon-Sat, 12-3pm Sun. Typically, we have a guest ale, Madri, Pravha, Guinness, Stowford Press cider, and 1664 0.0% on tap
- Join in one of the adult group pay-and-play coaching or cardio tennis sessions each week
- You can’t use our courts
Join online by selecting the categories below. Get in touch with Brendan and Colin if you want see the club before you join.
Follow this link for the club rules.
The prices listed below are for April-March. If you join mid-year, you can ask Brendan and Colin for a pro-rated one-off price or choose monthly direct debit (we’ll stop it when it’s time for renewal next year). Be aware, if you pay by direct debit you will pay more than if you pay in one go. A table with all the fees is on the membership fees page.
Adult player (18-25) 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full adult membership for those aged 18-25 and not in fulltime education on 1 April 2025. You can use all the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: If you're aged 18-25 and not in fulltime education, this is for you. There's another package if your in 6th form or a local university
Adult player (65+) 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full adult playing membership for those 65 and over. You can use all the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: If you're 65 or over, this is for you.
Adult player 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
One full adult membership, and it includes social membership for your partner. Full membership allows you to use all the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: If you're under 26 or over 64, you might want to check our other membership options (they don't include a social partner)
Up to 2 members
Adult playing couple 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full adult playing membership for two people. You can both use all the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: If either of you are under 26 or over 64 you might want to check our other membership options to see if they'll save you money
Up to 2 members
Family (1 adult playing) 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
One adult has full membership along with their children. If there's another adult in the family they get social membership included. Full membership means use of the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: You can include your adult children (18-25) if they're in fulltime education. Depending on how many children you have and how old they are, separate memberships might be cheaper.
Family playing 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full membership for two adults in a family plus your children. You can use all the facilities of the club (eg book courts for free, play in teams, use the bar).
Eligibility: You can include your adult children (18-25) if they're in fulltime education. Depending on how many children you have and how old they are, separate memberships might be cheaper.
Infant 2025/2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Membership for children in Infants at school.
Eligibility: In school years Reception through to Year 2 on 1 April 2025
Primary School Pupil 2025/2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full playing membership for children at primary school
Eligibility: In school Year 3 through to Year 6 on 1 April 2025
Secondary School Pupil 2025/2026
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full playing membership for children at secondary school.
Eligibility: In school Year 7 through to Year 13 on 1 April 2025
Social Adult Single 2025/6
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
One adult social membership. Use the bar and you can come to one of the coach-led pay-and-play activities each week (eg Weds cardio tennis, Thurs beginners and improvers). You can't play in the teams or use the courts.
Social Couple 2025/6
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Social membership for a couple and their children under 18. Use the bar and you can come to one of the ADULT coach-led pay-and-play activities each week. You can't play in the teams or use the courts.
Student 2025/26
01/04/2025- 31/03/2026
Full playing membership for students in fulltime education at a local university or college on 1st April 2025.
Eligibility: 18-25 in fulltime education (eg university) on 1st April 2025. If you're studying further away than Cardiff, get in touch for 50% fee