How to find us
Sydney Gardens
Sydney Gardens, Sydney Place
There are coaching courses currently available to book onto. Courses include an adult beginners course and two adult intermediates courses. Find out more here.
Sydney Gardens has four tarmac tennis courts - two in the upper section and two in the lower section.
Household Membership
The Courts are part of the Tennis @ The Park Programme which allows you to access Alice Park, Sydney Gardens and Keynsham Park courts for just £40 a year. There are no additional court booking fees to pay. Just book a court online and enjoy your tennis.
Pay and Play
Pay and Play is also available at all three sites and is £6 per court/hour. Book a court online, make your payment, recieve your access code and turn up and play.
Booking rules
There are currently booking restrictions on the courts. These restrictions are a maximum booking length of 1 hour and you can make a maximum of 4 bookings in a 7-day period. You may book 2 x1 hour slots in a row. You can book courts up to 7 days in advance.
Cancellation policy
Please be aware of our cancellation policy 2023: click here to read
Please note: Coaching is not permitted on any of the Tennis@thepark tennis courts without the prior written consent of Wesport.
View the online booking sheet to find your preferred booking slot.
Select your preferred available time and book. You can pay online with most major credit cards. Register online the first time you book.
We'll send you confirmation of your booking. You'll receive a pin number to access the venue. It's easy!