Children's University

The Tennis Coach will stamp your Children's University passport if you bring it to a session. Coaching sessions count as hours towards graduation!

The Children’s University is an International critically-acclaimed charity which encourages all children aged 5 to 14 years to try new experiences, develop new interests and acquire new skills through participation in innovative and creative Learning Activities outside of the school day. Learning Activities are designed to:

  • raise aspiration, self-esteem & confidence
  • encourage curiosity and a love of learning
  • enhance motivation and build resilience
  • introduce new life experiences
  • offer progression in learning and personal skills development

With a network of 90 National CU centres and a growing International network in South Australia, Singapore and Malaysia, together with plans to extend our work to China and Tasmania, we are working within local communities to encourage all children, but particularly those who need it most, to participate, voluntarily, in a variety of Learning Activities, delivered by our Learning Destination partners

The CTC Kingshurst Tennis Hub is accredited by the Children's University, which means that any hours spent on the tennis course here at CTC Tennis Hub can be counted as Learning Activities to gain credits for Children's University. The tennis activities here can be used to gain the CU graduation certificates.

Click this link to find out more about Children's University.