TW Tennis Adult Coaching

Welcome to the TW Tennis Adult Coaching program!

TW Tennis is committed to providing players of all ages and standards a chance to get on court and enjoy hitting some balls. We have a range of classes that are suitable for players to get started with such as our Tennis Express Beginners Courses for 6 weeks, or perhaps you want to move around a bit more and are looking for Cardio Tennis to liven your week. Whatever you choose, we recommend signing up to one of our adult promotional classes or taster tennis events to help meet a coach, get on court and start enjoying what tennis has to offer. 



Scroll down to find your chosen adult class but if you cant find what you are looking for, please email for further information. 


Further Information on Booking:

TW Tennis adult classes are offered throughout the week and at weekends. We are restricted to daylight hours so we have more classes on offer during the Spring to Autumn period as well as a full range of daytime options. Players taking part in our program will all receive a rating from our coach to indicate which level of play they are starting from. These are as follows:

1. Beginners - learning the game for the first time or players with little existing experience 

2. Improvers - basic understanding of how to play, some existing experience on the court 

3. Club - able to rally with some confidence, score games and serve with some variety 

4. Intermediate - able to play with strategy, comfortable in serving and returning situations

5. Advanced - possess good all round skills, play with variations and increase of speed, confident on court 

There are a range of weekly classes and courses that relate to these ratings which can be accessed via this Clubspark page (the courses and classes are listed below) or you can find them once you have registered on our Live Love Sport mobile app which can be donwloaded from the Apple Store or Google Play (search for Live Love Sport - its free to download and register)



When and How to Book?

Bookings are now open for our new term of lessons and in advance for our new summer term classes.  Classes vary according to the schdule and type of class taken. Payment can be made in installments for those looking to spread the costs. For a full timetable please visit our TW Tennis information site at