2024 diary dates
Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:00

Welcome to another season of tennis.
The tennis club is flourishing with plenty of club sessions, match play, American Tournaments and of course the club tournament. The committee are extremely keen to build on last year's excellent tennis and create more opportunities for everyone within the club. We encourage everybody to get involved.
Club sessions : These continue to run on Tuesday mornings, afternoons & evenings, Thursday mornings & afternoons, as well as a Friday evening or Saturday morning. All are run by whats app groups and if you arent already involved please email felicity.pochin@btinternet.com.
Social tennis: The following activies are planned -
- Friday 5th April & every 1st Friday of the month : 6pm club session with wine & beer afterwards. We hope to take advantage of the sponsorship we have acquired from local businesses, including Cornichon, King Louis and Indy Hops at these events.
- Saturday 20th April : 1st American tournament to launch the season; come as a "Tennis great". 1.30pm start time with food & drink.
- Saturday 18th May: Ros Roberts' book launch - free for everyone to help celebrate. More details to follow but will be held 2pm-5pm.
- Saturday 29th June: Tarvin fete and Tennis Club open day with an American tournament.
Coaching. Details of coaching activites available at the club as follows:
- Juniors - Mondays at 5-6pm & 6-7pm.
- Cardio tennis - Mondays 7- 8pm
- Matchplay - Wednesdays 9.30 -11am
- Rusty rackets - To be arranged
Please enquire for all coaching sessions to gary@whackit-tennis.com.
Club tournament: Finals day September 8th. You must be availbale on this day to enter the tournament.
Maintenance : The softwood of the clubhouse needs painting and we are planning a working party on the weekend of 11th/12th May. If you can help please email felicity.pochin@btinternet.com or if you know a reasonably priced decorator who would be prepared to quote for this work please let us know.