
Club Tournament 2024

Members are invited to enter the club tournament 2024.

Please make sure you are free for finals day on Sunday 8th September.

Closing date for entries is Tuesday 28th May.

Sign up sheets are available in the club house or alternatively email a member of the playing committee & tell them which events you would like to enter ( Ladies singles, Ladies Doubles, Mens singles, Mens doubles, Mixed Doubles)

This year we are trialling a new format for the MIxed doubles.:

  • To enter you must be free on Saturday 13th July & a reserve date Saturday 27th July ( in case of bad weather cancelling the first day). 
  • Doubles partners will be allocated in a draw made by the playing committee.
  • All couples will play the best of one (tiebreak) set matches in a round robin format to find our two finalists wh o will then advance to finals day (Sunday 8th September).

The Playing committee: Julia Burgess ( Mark Butler ( Philly Rae ( Rob Harrison ( Graham Freeman (