What is Safeguarding?
Sports clubs such as TLTC have a duty of care to children and vulnerable adults to ensure they are kept safe and their welfare is protected. Safeguarding is protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm, so they can have an enjoyable tennis experience. Everyone who is involved in tennis has a shared responsibility to support this by promoting the welfare of all children and adults at risk.
How to raise a concern about a child or vulnerable adult at TLTC
If a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger or risk of harm, phone the Police by calling 999.
Where a child or vulnerable adult is not in immediate danger, any concerns about their well-being should be made without delay to the Club Welfare Officer. The Club Welfare Officer will pass the details of the concern on to the LTA Safeguarding Team at the earliest opportunity and the relevant local authority and the Police will be contacted, where appropriate.
The Club Welfare Officers can be contacted on:
If the whistle blower (the person raising the concern) does not feel comfortable raising a concern with the Club Welfare Officer, the whistle blower should contact the LTA Safeguarding Team directly on 020 8487 7000 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.
LTA safeguarding policies can be accessed here: