U8 Somerset Red Dragon Tour 2024 / 25

The U8 Somerset Red Dragon Tour is being organised and run by Tim Seymour, Somerset U8 Lead Coach. The Tour is supported by Somerset LTA.

About the U8 Red Dragon Tour.

 The U8 Red Dragon Tour provides young players with the opportunity to play and compete indoors throughout the Winter and Spring period.  Events will be staged at venues across Somerset and matches will be played on Mini Red / Badminton Courts. As the events will be indoors, players will be playing with a Sponge ball. The Sponge ball is used for Indoor U8 Tournaments and  County Cup events across the UK and is a very good grounding for young players.

The U8 Red Dragon tour events are designed to be an enjoyable and educational experience for our U8 players teaching them how to play and compete in a relaxed and fun environment. All events will commence with a ‘fun’ group warm up prior to the matches and all players will receive a participation certificate.  Winners and runners up will receive a medal.

How the Tour works....

The U8 Red Dragon Tour is series of events that can be booked individually. Each event will see players gain points for each match played, players will also gain additional points for each win. The scores will be entered on to a Leaderboard and the Leaderboard will run throughout the duration of the tour.

Players will be guaranteed a minimum of 4 matches per event and a maximum of 5 matches per event will be entered on to the leaderboard. If time permits additional matches may be played for experience, however these will not be entered on the leaderboard. The ‘Top 8’ players at the end of the Tour series will be invited to attend a Grand Prix final (Date TBA) in early May.  A full breakdown of how the U8 Red Dragon Tour operates can be downloaded below.

U8 Red Dragon Tour – Format and Rules

U8 Red Dragon Tour – Events Calendar

Listed below are the dates and venues of the U8 Red Dragon Tour together with the size of the draw. Please note: The venue is 'as listed' in the title, NOT Avenue TC as will appear on the booking sheet

Entries will be accepted on a first come, first served basis with places for 2 reserves. Click on each event for further details and to book. Players will require an LTA number to enter. If your child does not currently have an LTA Number click the following link for more details - LTA Player Registration   NB: Registration is FREE if you are a members of an LTA affiliated Club.

Date Time Venue Draw Size
Wed - 30th October 2024 10.00 -12.30pm YMCA - Highbridge  16 Players
Sun - 17th November 2024 2.00 -4.00pm Kings Leisure Centre - Cheddar 16 Players
Sat - 30th November 2024 3.00 -5.00pm 1610 - Bridgwater 16 Players
Sat - 11th January 4.00 - 6.00pm Blackbrook Tennis Centre - Taunton 24 Players
Sun - 26th January 2.00 - 4.00pm Strode College - Street 16 Players
Sun - 9th February  12.00 - 2.00pm  Westlands Sports Centre - Yeovil 16 players
Wed - 19th February 10.00 - 12.30pm YMCA Highbridge 16 Players
Sun 9th March 12.00 - 2.00pm Frome Leisure Centre - Frome 16 players
Sun - 30th March 2.00 - 4.00 pm Blackbrook Tennis Centre - Taunton 24 players
Sat - 12th April 2024 3.00 -5.00pm Kings Leisure Centre - Cheddar 16 Players


The U8 Red Dragon Tour Leaderboard

To view the leaderboard, please click on the link below. The Leaderboard will be updated after each Tour event.  Please allow up to seven days for new results to be added following each event.

U8 Red Dragon Tour 2024/25 Leaderboard (After 5 events)


Queries and Feedback

If you have any specific queires or feedback about the U8 Red Dragon Tour you can contact Tim Seymour directly on 07887 723554 or email tennisextremeuk@gmail.com