
Try Cardio Tennis – The fun fitness class on a tennis court!!

By Contributor Helen Jackson

So what is Cardio Tennis? 

Cardio Tennis is the fun, sociable tennis-inspired workout class set to music. It is suitable for all ages and abilities and doesn’t require any previous tennis experience whatsoever! It doesn’t even matter whether the ball goes in or out. Cardio Tennis provides a high energy workout designed to get your heart rate up. You could burn up to 500 calories per session!!

What is a typical class like? 

Each class is a 60 minute session, with a short warm up and cool down either side of a 40 minute full body workout. It’s much more enjoyable than a treadmill session and just as good for you, with tons more variation!! Make new friends and get fit at the same time! Interested yet? Want to know more? Well here’s a general idea of what’s involved in a Cardio Tennis session:

Warm up – Start with some stretching, skills and tennis drills to get you ready for the workout section.
Aerobic section – Here’s your chance to hit loads of shots including forehands, backhands, serves and volleys – all mixed in with a variety of fun fitness activities.
Tennis section – Time for some group tennis games – never one on one, always in a team. There’s no pressure as the session moves along quickly and it really doesn’t matter where the ball goes.
Cool down – Now it’s time to recover and stretch… phew!!

Check out this fantastic video, filmed at the Southglade Leisure Centre in Nottingham:


What should I bring to a session? 

Bring a racquet if you have one but don’t despair if not – you can borrow one from your Cardio Tennis venue. Wear comfortable gym clothes and trainers. Don’t forget to bring a bottle of water as you’ll be working up a sweat!!

How do I get involved? 

Southglade Leisure Centre in Nottingham runs Cardio Tennis classes on Tuesdays 11am – 12 noon and Thursdays 6pm – 7pm. They offer a FREE taster session so you can find out if Cardio Tennis is for you. Sessions are FREE for Flexible Fitness members, £5.35 for ActiveNotts members and £6.35 for non-members.

Cardio Tennis classes are also available at lots of other venues across Nottingham. You don’t need to be a member of a tennis club to take part.

Search for a venue near you at:

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