Slough Open 24


To enter, please follow the link below to enter. Please be advised you need to have been an member since 1st June and be a member at the time of the competition to be legible for the free entry.


For non members please visit this website to enter - LTA - British Tennis.

To enter you as an adult competitor or to enter your child as a competitior (the person playing must have the membership) they must have an LTA Membership number. This number is provided free of charge when you register and affiliate yourself with Slough Tennis Club. There will be a few options for packages but please select the Advantage Play or Play + to recieve a free option, please click here to sign up  -

To affiliate with a club, when prompted to sign in to your account for the first time, it will ask you a few questions, for club affiliation type in "Slough Tennis Club" and tick the boxes to say you subscribe or pay and play STC.

Once you have your number you can enter the Slough Open competition.


Redto enter, please click here and proceed to checkout to receive discount

Orangeplease click here to enter and proceed to checkout to receive discount

Greenplease click here to enter and proceed to checkout to receive discount

Junior please click here to enter and proceed to checkout to receive dicsount


If you have any issues with acceesing links, please share a screen shot with us on WhatsApp or via email -