
Monica Becerra
LTA Level 5 Performance Coach Award

I have been involved in tennis for over 25 years, coaching in park development programmes, commercial tennis clubs, high performance and International High Performance Centres (IHPCs).

I aim to make daily self improvements and in so doing help those around me to improve. On my journey I have played a role in helping players achieve their goals, ranging from winning national titles to low-key local team events. I have run programmes for players just starting tennis through to training high performance athletes. I am also Middlesex Girls Under 10 & Under 12 Team Captain.

On a personal level I love tennis and compete regularly. I have represented England, Middlesex and Surrey. Recently I was a finalist in the National Veterans event for my age group.

Independent Tennis is a way for me to share my passion for tennis and increase the opportunities for new players to play this great sport.