Safeguarding and Court Code of Conduct

The welfare of all our members is of the upmost importance to the Club.  Please find all of our safeguarding documents below.

Our Welfare Officer is Helen Rafferty and our Safeguarding Lead is Linsey MacLeod.  They can be contacted via the following email: 


If you believe a child or adult to be at risk, the police should be contacted immediately by calling 999.  If there is not any immmediate danger, any concerns of wellbeing should be reported by using this email above.  This is for both children and adults to be aware of.

Further important links for both you and your child to be aware of are below:

LTA Report a Safeguarding Concern: 

LTA Safe to Play:

- cards related to this are displayed in our changing room.


Welfare Officer


Safeguarding Policy


Court Booking and Terms of Use


Online Safety and Communications Policy


Diversity and Inclusion Policy


Photography and Filming Policy


Safe-Recruitment Policy


Anti-Bullying Policy


Changing Room Policy