Court Booking Rules & Terms of Use

Thanckes Park Tennis Courts   – Annual Tennis Pass

Annual Tennis Pass is charged at £35 per household per annum year. This fee entitles you to play for one year from date of purchase.

For each booking made you will receive a * followed by a 6 digit PIN code via email that will allow you access to the courts via the access gate.

Please ensure that you play on the court number that you have booked and enter the court via the gate that corresponds to the court number.

The code is at the end of your email. Please note that there will be a 2 minute delay between the booking being processed and an email arriving with the customer with the PIN Code.

Annual Tennis Pass runs for one year from the date you activate your online account through making the purchase. Payment for this will be online.  All subsequent bookings must be made through the online payment system.  
Annual Tennis Pass will not be part refunded for any reason.

All members are required to register through the Clubspark online system and book a court before playing in all circumstances.

Torpoint Town Council reserves the right to cancel the Annual Tennis Pass of any person who does not abide by the Thanckes Park Tennis Courts terms and conditions. This will be carried out by cancellation of their Annual Tennis Pass and no refund will be given.

Thanckes Park Tennis Courts – Pay and Play

One court can be booked for one hour at a cost of £6 per 60 minutes. These can be booked online through the clubspark system and a PIN code will be issued unique to that hour of play.

The first time you use the Pay and Play system you need to register your account. For subsequent  bookings you can go directly to the bookings tab on the website.

Payment is online for Pay and Play as it allows customer to manage the booking process themselves.

Please note that there will be a 2 minute delay between the booking being processed and an email arriving with the customer with the PIN Code.

All Bookings - You must book a court online before you play and cancel any unwanted bookings online.


Booking Rules:
Everyone ( Pay and Play and Annual  Tennis Pass Holders)  can book up to 7 days in advance for up to 4 courts per week for 1 hour; or 2 courts per week for 2 hours.
Annual Tennis Pass Holders can book up to 14 days in advance for up to 6 courts per week  for 1 hour;  or 3 courts per week for 2 hours.

All users are advised to bring along evidence of booking conformation (e.g. Email) with them when they play to resolve any confusion on who has booked the courts at that time.
Torpoint Town Council has the right to cancel bookings at their discretion. An email will be sent to the court users notifying them in advance.
Torpoint Town Council reserves the right to pre-book the courts for coaching and special events at its discretion.
Torpoint Town Council reserves the right to close the courts at their discretion (notice will be given in advance where at all possible) for any court maintenance (e.g. Court Cleaning, Fence Repairs) no refunds are due in any circumstance.
In the event of bad weather/adverse playing conditions users should do there upmost to cancel the booking. The booking cancellation window is 24 hours.


Court Rules

Players should read, understand and abide by the TPTC pledges posted around the courts.
Players should comply with the principles of respect and fair play, both on and off the courts.
Members should wear appropriate sports clothing and footwear when on court.
No ball games other than tennis to be played on the tennis courts.
No playing of music is allowed at the tennis courts. Torpoint TownCouncil staff reserve the right to request users to leave the facility if this is breached by court users.
Smoking is not permitted within the court boundaries.
Take off the court everything you take on – including all balls and general litter (please use bins provided)
The public play tennis at their own risk and are asked to apply common sense in looking out for themselves and other court users at all times
Ensure you close the court gate properly when you leave. Do not let anyone else (who is not playing with you) through the gate. Allow them to use their own access code to gain entry.
No person may coach others for financial gain without the prior approval of Torpoint Town Council
Report any damage to the staff at Torpoint Town Council via the email address

Right to Play

You must book a Court online before playing please bring booking conformation with you.
In there are any problems please contact Torpoint Town Council on contact details provided on court.
In event of dispute the person whose name appears on the booking sheet will take precedence.
Staff from Torpoint Town Council reserve the right to ask any person they feel is misusing or behaving in an anti-social manner to leave the tennis courts at Thanckes Park.
Refunds for courts not used due to technical issues with access will be at the Council’s discretion. Proof will be required that the courts were inaccessible at the time booked.


Please contact Torpoint Town Council for any information required