Junior Play

Our junior coaching programme runs during term time throughout the year. Classes take place weekly and we aim to introduce and develop tennis skills to everyone in our community in a fully inclusive way.  

There are different programmes tailored to meet the needs of all players on their tennis journey.  We run courses for children aged 4 – 18, packed full of fun games and dynamic training. We want kids to bring all their energy to tennis; no ‘quiet please’ needed here.

Although we've assigned ages to each stage, this is just a guide. Coaches can advise you when your child is ready to progress to the next stage.

LTA Youth Red (Age 5 - 7) - Serve, rally and score.  This will look a bit more like the tennis you know. You’ll see overarm serves, rallies and volleys. Coaches will help children to further develop their co-ordination, balance and speed. We’ll introduce relaxed competition here too.

LTA Youth Orange (Age 8 - 10) - Develop a rounded game. Time to throw in some tactics, problem-solving, and guides to sportsmanship and leadership. At this stage children will know all of the rules and will be serving and returning in matches.

LTA Youth Green (Age 10 - 12) - Test your skills.  This is the big one. It’s time for kids to play on full size courts. Now it’s all about growing their game by fine tuning and refining the techniques they’ve learned so far. 

LTA Youth Yellow  (Age 12+) - Take your skills further. Time to find your game. Playing on a full size court with the same size balls the pros use, kids will continue to explore different styles on the court, and start to choose their own. 

Private Lessons - are available for juniors at all stages of their development for more personalised learning.

Click on the tabs above to discover when the next courses are running and book a place for your child.