
Safeguarding Information

Urmston Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the wellbeing of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all coaching, programmes and events we run.

We have a number of safeguarding policies which strive to minimise risk, deliver a positive tennis experience for everyone and respond appropriately to all safeguarding concerns/disclosures.

All our coaches and coach volunteers over the age of 16 have current DBS checks in place and those who are Level 2 and 3 are accredited with the LTA which means they have undergone safeguarding and emergency first aid at work training.

How to raise a concern about a child or an adult at risk at the club

If a child or an adult at risk is in immediate danger or risk of harm, the police should be contacted by calling 999.

Where a child or an adult at risk is not in immediate danger, any concerns about their wellbeing should be made without delay to a Welfare Officer for Urmston Sports Club.

The Welfare Officer will pass the details of the concern on to the LTA Safeguarding Team at the earliest opportunity and the relevant local authority and the police will be contacted, where appropriate.

If, however, the whistle-blower does not feel comfortable raising a concern with a Welfare Officer, they should contact the LTA Safeguarding Team directly, the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

We have safeguarding noticeboards inside and outside the clubhouse which have details of all our policies, procedures, contact details of our welfare officers and coach qualifications.

Contact details

Urmston Sports Club - Tennis Section Welfare Officers are Kirsty Long (07760 228140) & Stuart Dagg (07739 189405) who can be contacted by mobile or via email on

You can contact the LTA Safeguarding Team on or register a concern directly using the link below to the online form.

LTA Register A Concern Form

The LADO can be contacted on 0161 912 5125 or via email

Safeguarding policies

Safeguarding Policy Statement

Safeguarding Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Complaints & Appeals Process

Codes of Conduct

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Online Safety & Communication Policy

Photography & Filming Policy

Use of Changing Rooms Policy

Safeguarding at Events

Safe Recruitment Policy

LTA Transgender and Non-Binary policy

Consent Forms

Consent & Emergency Contact Form for U18s

Photography & Filming Consent Form