Vamos Tennis


Whether you're a seasoned player looking to improve your skills, or a beginner who's never picked up a racket before, we've got you covered.

Check out our Adults coaching programme 

Check out our Juniors regular coaching programme and holiday camps


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Latest news

With more daylight hours, we have opened up a few more sessions for you to perfect your topspin forehands and wicked crosscourt backhands ahead of the...

Join us for an exciting afternoon of tennis at our fun doubles tournament!

Booking for our upcoming May courses are now open!

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Where we teach

Here are the Vamos Tennis locations. To visit, select a location.

  1. Belair Park

    Gallery Rd, Camberwell, Southwark, SE21 7EX

  2. Dulwich Park

    College Rd, Dulwich Village, London, SE21 7EB

Our Partner

Southwark Council