

Join Us For Courses Starting In June/July ☀️

With more daylight hours, we have opened up a few more sessions for you to perfect your topspin forehands and wicked crosscourt backhands ahead of the grass court court season.

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Book Now for Adult Courses Starting in May

Booking for our upcoming May courses are now open!

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Spring Courses Now Available to Book and Wimbledon Doubles Tournament

We've just opened up booking for our upcoming spring courses with additional weekday evening sessions. We've also opened up the the booking for our first tournament. Join us!

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New Courses Available For Booking Starting Feb

Book now for courses starting in February!

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Drop In Sessions Back This Weekend

Our drop-in sessions are returning this Saturday at Belair Park on the 27th of January. You can book session up to four weeks ahead.

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Happy New Year! Sessions Starting Next Week

Happy new year! Our coaching sessions are back in full swing after a break over the festive period. ​

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