What safety procedures do you have in place for Covid 19?

All sessions are individually risk assessed and follow Governement and National Governing Body Guidelines according to national and local restritions.

All sessions must be booked in advance and numbers attending are based on the LTA guidelines and space available.

Hand sanitiser is available at all sessions (although players are encouraged to bring their own)

Tennis rackets are not currently available  to borrow and all equipment is sanitised after each session.

If you would like more information on how Visions Tennis is looking after you and your child's safety please contact Jo.

Information on the Covid 19 National guidelines for tennis is available on the LTA website, please click here.

Who will be delivering the programme? what qualifications and experience do they have

Visions Tennis programme will be delivered by Jo Louis, Level 5 accredited plus tennis coach,  click here to see Jo's profile.

Jo will also be introducng and working with specaial guest coaches at different times of the year, all coaches will be qualified appropraite to their role and their profiles will be available in advance of any session.  

In partnership with Julie Williams Jo has  developed the Doubles Doctors, delivering doubles tactical coaching sessions in Somerset & Devon. click here to read about Julie 

In the future Jo will also be looking to  recruit and train passionate and energetic individuals to both assist with the delivery of the programme. All coaches and assistants will have appropraite qualifications and training and their profiles will be available.

My teenager is interested in becoming a tennis coach, can you help?

Definately! This is something I am very passionate about and will be introducing leadership / training programmes for passionate and energetic individuals.

What feedback as a parent will I receive on my childs progress?

On week 6 of each programme, the session will follow a slightly different format, involving  fun competiton, parent participation and feedback.

Will my child win Wimbledon?!

Very unlikely! The aim of the Visions Tennis Programme is to provide juniors with the greatest possible opportunity to reach their potential at whatever level that may be. Love playing the game of tennis throughout their lives . 

Tennis is not all about performance tennis, but developing lifeskills and possible career opportunities. 

If your child is the 'real gem' I will support & guide you in the right direction!

How long will it take me to learn the learn?

This will be very different for each individual! & will depend according to individuals previous experience of tennis or other sports and time commitments.

Ensuring each player is attending the best possible session is really important, this may be a group session or one to one coaching.  The 'game of tennis' is taught right at the start of all sessions and according to a players current playing standard the game will be adapted  using different court sizes, equipment and skills so all players will experience the thrill of 'playing the game' at an early stage.

Is there a tennis pathway, so I can see where my child is and the next stages?

This is something I am currently working on as  I understand it is important to both children and parents to be able to see the next progression. 

However I feel it is important for children and parents to understand it is not always appropriate for a child (*or parent!) to always be thinking about when they will be progressing to the next stage but to enjoy their tennis journey (whatever that may be) and always be at a stage where they are having fun, progressing at their own rate and playing the game of tennis.

With the right support and programme progress will come!  

Is there an awards scheme?

An awards scheme will be introduced to the Youth Tennis Programmes during the Spring Term 2021.

Children love to feel part of a team, do you have team clothing?

Not yet! But a great idea, thank you! This is something I will be looking into.

What does my child need to wear?

Children need to wear comfortable sports clothing, appropriate for the weather conditions (warm in the winter and a sun hat in the summer!) and tennis shoes.

What equipment do I need?

During Covid 19 times, unfortunatley it is not possible to loan out tennis rackets, therefore players will need to have their own racket.   If you are unsure of what racket is best for your child please ask.

Can parents watch?

Parents are welcome to watch, although they are asked to watch from the side of the court and not to chat to their child, distracting them and others during the session.

On week 6 of the programme parents will be encouraged to participate on court with their children in a fun team competition.

Are parents expected to stay?

Parents are welcome to stay and watch, sit in the club house or drop their child.  If a parent does not remain on site an emergency name and number must have been provided before the start of the session in case of emergency.

My child is loving their tennis and I would like to learn so we can enjoy tennis as a family, do you have sessions for parents to learn to play?

This is great! 

On week 6 of each Youth Tennis Programme Session, parents will be encouarged to particpate in on court activities with their children, this will hopefully help parents be able to help their child outside of their tennis sessions.

In addition to the week 6 session - parents are welcome to attend their own coaching session, to learn the game for themeselves and to help their child.  This could be with a one to one session or share a session with their child.

I am also looking at introducing family tennis sessions in the future.

What facilities are available?

Cranford Sports Club -There is a lovely club house (and outside Covid times, hot & cold drinks and food is available) The Club has changing rooms and toilets and plenty of outdoor space for parents to watch.

Budeligh Tennis Club - There is a small club house where parents can take shelter (rain and or sun!) although during Covid times the club house remains closed.  Toilets are available and open.

Can my child bring a friend along?

There will be sessions where it will be possible for children to bring a friend along, however to ensure the quality & progression of individuals and each session this may not be possible at all times.  If your child has a friend they would like to introduce please discuss with Jo.

How frequently would you recommend playing?

This will depend on your childs goals and family time commitments. 

Children will improve at a faster rate if they can practice the skills inbetween sessions with either additonal group sessions,  individual sessions, play with friends and family members.  To ensure your child has the best programme and is playing the right amount for their goals and stage of learning please contact Jo to discuss.

My child has one 2 one support at school can they attend?

Visions Tennis is an inclusive programme and every efort will be made to accomodate everyone.  Depending on your childs needs it maybe your child attends with their support or partipcates in a one to one programme.  Please speak to Jo to discuss their individual needs.

My child has previously attended other sports clubs but does not want to keep going because he thinks he always comes last and gets upset. I would like him to play tennis but do not want him to come home more upset, can tennis help?

Yes! I believe sport is very much about developing & improving life skills. 

Visions Tennis programmes will focus on each individual and  their own individual progress.  An awards programme will be introduced in the Spring Term 2021 which will support this.

During sessions there will be activities which are 'competitive' however at all times these will be appropriate to each individual and children will also learn fair play in addition to dealing with their own emotions of winning and losing.

Please contact Jo if you would like to discuss your childs needs further.

Do I need to be a member of the club to attend?

No! Juniors do not have to be a member of the club, however there are advantages  in becoming a member to practice and play the game at other times.  If you are interested in membership please let Jo know and she will put you in touch with the appropriate  person at each club.

Adult players currently need to be a member at Budeligh Tennis Club to attend coaching programmes.

Adult non members are welcome at The Cranford Sports Club.

Do I pay per session or for a set number of weeks in advance?

The group coaching sessions are payable in advance for 6 weeks. 

Individual coaching is payable on the day of the session. 

Information on how to pay will always be avaialble at the time of booking.

When and where are sessions held?

Sessions are currently held at The Cranford Sports Club, Exmouth and Budleigh Salteron Tennis Club. 

Sessions will be during the school term, with additional programmes and camps during the school holidays.

How do I know the session will be right for my child?

To ensure players are booked onto the right programme, please contact Jo to discuss.

How many children will be in a group

This will depend on the session.  Group coaching sessions (unless otherwise stated) will be a maximum ratio of 1 : 8.

When additional programmes including matchplay and  family play  are introduced the ratio will be available with the information.

What happens if it rains!

It is expected that sessions will be held in most weather conditions, however if this is not possible and a session is cancelled due to the weather conditions an additonal session will be held, ensuring players do not miss out on a session becasue of the weather.