Contact Us

For all general inquiries: you can use the contact form below.

Or Email Club at:

Telephone us at  01208 815975  (club secretary Howard Gunn)

Mobile:   07984  612458

If Members would like to raise any issues for consideration at our committee meetings, either speak to or contact the Secretary or one of our Committee members.


For all coaching enquires:

Email Coaches at:

or contact the coaching team :   James Brobin   07881  583971   (juniors and adults) /      Thomas Leach   07980  290353   (minis)

CONTACT US FORM: Get in touch and let us know how we can help

Where to find us

There is a  Pay & Display Car Park behind Courts/Bowling Club (Free after 5 pm and Sat/Sun)


Wadebridge Tennis Club
The Playing Fields, Egloshayle Road WADEBRIDGE Cornwall PL27 6AE


Wadebridge Tennis Club

The Playing Fields, Egloshayle Road
PL27 6AE

Get directions