Our membership year runs 1st April to 31st March and there are a number of packages available, with the full subscription rates for 2024-25 as below:
- Single adult - £130
- Family (2 adults and any number of children under 18) - £265
- Student (over 18 and in full-time education) - £57
- Junior (under 18) - £41
- Junior Sibling - £20.50
- Over 80s - free (please contact the club)
Pro-rata subscriptions are available to new members on request.
Note: Access to the courts and clubroom is via access fobs. A £10 deposit is required for an adult access fob or £5 for a junior access fob. This is refundable if the fob is returned within 3 months of leaving the club.
Payment of the fob money can be by bank transfer to Lloyds Bank sort code 30-98-77 crediting Wadhurst Tennis Club a/c no. 00335560 and giving your name as a reference. Or by cash by arrangement.
If you have any queries, or wish to discuss the cost of membership, please contact Jean Davis (Membership Secretary) via the Contact Us form or email.