Playing croquet at Walmer

Members have been playing croquet at Walmer for many years and continues to give huge pleasure to the growing number of members. Members usually play during the spring and summer months. More recently, members have enjoyed playing during winter if the lawns are not too wet. 

There is currently a waiting list for croquet membership. To join the waiting list, you can use the contact us form.

Lawn booking

You can book a lawn up to seven days before play. The maximum play time is 90 mins and you can book a maximum of three sessions per week. This can, however, change during the season. 

Club afternoons and coaching run between May & August


There is a weekly session from 2pm to 4pm. 

A coaching session for new members is available from 1pm to 2pm during May

After the session, members are invited to get together for a cup of tea and a piece of cake. 


There is a weekly session from 4pm to 6pm. 

A coaching session for advanced players is from 3pm to 4pm during May

The bar will be open for refreshments after the session. 


Friday Club evening 5pm to 7pm and the bar is open after this session

Equipment and dress code

Mallets and balls are available in the club house. 

Informal dress code. Flat shoes must be worn. 

Competition and social events

There are competitions and social events throughout the season.

If you are not familiar with the croquet rules, you can have a look at our croquet rules.