Wantage Tennis Club has always welcomed players of all abilities and there are many opportunities all year round for social play as well as match play.
Although the depths of winter might not seem like the obvious moment to start thinking about Wimbledon, we are turning our thoughts to our Oxfordshire Dunlop Summer League fixtures for 2023.
We are expecting to field two ladies teams (in Divisions 3 and 5), six men’s teams (Divisions 2, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 12) and three mixed teams (two in Division 5 one in Division 6). All the teams consist of two pairs and will play seven matches during the summer.
We are looking to strengthen all our teams, particularly at the higher level. If you have enjoyed playing on the public courts, are returning to tennis after a break, have just moved to the area or wish to test the water with some social play, before taking the plunge please check out our web site and make contact.
Mike Haddrell
Providing tennis for Wantage in a fun and friendly environment