
Wellow Tennis Club Christmas Tournament 2019

The annual Wellow Tennis Club Christmas Tournament got off to a flying start with a fantastic 26 members turning out to play in it, the biggest turnout ever.  As a result, it was decided to play a short, sharp format of 5 games each round so that people were not sitting out too long in the cold inbetween rounds  ..... although there were mince pies & mulled wine on tap all afternoon to oil the wheels!   There were a few Santas and elves playing un-hindered by their garb.  Six rounds were played before a semi finals was played out -  the semi-final between Sheridan Easton & Sandra Peckham versus Graham Wallis & Laura Dodington was extremely close ending up in a tie break in which Easton & Peckham just lost out on.  In the other semi-final, mother & son combination of Judy & Scott Wallis cruised to an easy victory over club chairman, Paul Feeney, & Sally Huffam.   Judy & Scott then went on to beat husband & father, Graham Wallis, and his partner Laura Dodington.   The New Forest Well Being Centre, based in Sherfield English, kindly sponsored the competition and the winners & runners up won some excellent prizes.  There were also spot prizes for best fancy dress costumes.   A very enjoyable afternoon was had by all and it was a good start to the festive season!


Simone Arnott